2021 St Cuthberts Mill Award for Best in Colour, selected by Philip Athill
2019 SGFA Centenary Book publication
2019 Sculpture selected for SGFA Centenary Touring Exhibition - RBSA Gallery, Birmingham & Bankside Gallery, London
2018 Shortlisted for Wildlife Artist of the Year, Mall Galleries
2017 2nd Place, Hand and Lock Prize 2017
2017 Shortlisted for the National Open Art Competition
2017 Presidents Award, SGFA Annual Show
2016 Shortlisted for exhibition, Royal Academy Summer show
2016 Two relief pieces accepted for the Royal Society of Marine Artists, Mall Galleries, London
2016 Two pieces selected for the National Open Art Exhibition, Mercers’ Hall, London
2016 Selection for the National Open Art ARTROOMS 2016
2016 Winner of Textile Art Prize, the Hand and Lock Prize 2016
2015 Mainly Machine Embroidery category winner- National Madeira/Stitch competition
2015 Selection of three sculptures for the Royal Society of Marine Artists, Mall Galleries, London
2015 Shortlisted for the National Open Art Competition
2015 Selection for the Society of Wildlife Artists, Mall Galleries, London
2015 Preliminarily Shortlisted for John Ruskin Prize
2014 Overall winner - National Madeira/Stitch competition
2014 Preliminarily Shortlisted for John Ruskin Prize
2014 Shortlisted / exhibited in the National Open Art Competition, Somerset House
2014 Award for ‘Highly Commended Work in Colour’ (‘Sheffield Remembers’) Annual SGFA Exhibition
2014 Winner of Visitors choice (‘W1 Commemoration’) Annual SGFA Exhibition Menier Gallery, London
2013 Overall winner - National Madeira/Stitch competition
2013 Mainly Machine Embroidery category winner- National Madeira/Stitch competition
2012 Highly Commended- National Madeira/stitch competition-National tour
2012 Winner of the Visitors choice- National Madeira/stitch competition
2012 Two pieces shortlisted for National Open Art Competition
2011 Shortlisted / exhibited in the National Open Art Competition
2010 Sculpture shortlisted for Royal Academy Summer Show
2009 Finalist - Pfaff Art Embroidery Challenge- International tour
2009 Overall Winner - National Madeira/Stitch competition- National tour
2021 SGFA Annual Open Exhibition, Mall Galleries
2019 SGFA Touring Centenary Exhibition
2018 Wildlife Artist of the Year, Mall Galleries
2017 SGFA Bankside Biennial, Bankside Gallery, London
2017 The Hand & Lock London Embroidery Exhibition, Bishopsgate Institute, London
2017 The Hand & Lock Prize, Bishopsgate Institute, London
2017 Hand & Lock, Mercer Hall, London
2016 The Royal Society of Marine Artists, Mall Galleries, London
2016 Annual SGFA exhibition, Menier Gallery, London
2016 Demonstrator, Annual SGFA exhibition, Menier Gallery, London
2016 National Open Art ARTROOMS 2016
2016 Two pieces selected for the National Open Art Exhibition, Mercers’ Hall, London
2016 The Hand & Lock Prize, Bishopsgate Institute, London and International Tour
2015 National Madeira/Stitch competition- National tour
2015 The Society of Wildlife Artists, Mall Galleries, London
2015 The Royal Society of Marine Artists, Mall Galleries, London
2015 Annual SGFA exhibition, Menier Gallery, London
2014 National Madeira/Stitch competition- National tour
2014 National Open Art Competition, Somerset House, London
2014 Annual SGFA exhibition, Menier Gallery, London
2013 National Madeira/Stitch competition- National tour
2012 National Madeira/Stitch competition- National tour
2011 National Open Art Competition Exhibition
2009 Pfaff Art Embroidery Challenge International tour
2009 National Madeira/Stitch competition National tour